EffiSludge Closing Event 2021

The treatment of wastewater for industrial activities, such as pulp and paper production, is often highly energy intensive and alternatives are needed to achieve the reduction targets for fossil CO2-emissions. At the same time, sustainable wastewater management holds the potential for producing renewable fuels, such as biogas.

At the EffiSludge closing event – a one-day hybrid conference – more resource efficient concepts were presented and discussed, which combine e.g. industrial wastewater treatment with biogas production. The concepts should improve the carbon footprint of industrial wastewater treatment – through both energy savings and renewable fuel production.

The final results of the EffiSludge for LIFE Project were also presented and ways forward discussed.

You can find out more about the EffiSludge for LIFE project and a summaries from the last workshops here.

Thursday, December 2nd, 2021


Opening remarks and general information regarding the workshop

Francesco Ometto, EffiSludge for Life Project Manager

Frank Scholwin, Institute for Biogas, Waste Management and Energy

The EffiSludge for LIFE project: results and conclusions from the demonstration project on improved resource efficiency in treatment of wastewater for pulp and paper industry

Francesco Ometto, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels

Energy consumption in high-energy industries and the path to carbon neutrality by 2050

Hugo Salamanca, International Energy Agency (IEA)

The role of biogas production from industrial wastewaters in reaching climate neutrality by 2050

Mieke Decorte and Marco Giacomazzi, European Biogas Association (EBA)


Panel discussion: Industrial symbiosis of the future: what is the role of large-scale industries and biogas for achieving carbon neutrality?

Malgosia Rybak, Climate Change & Energy Director, CEPI

Jon Henrik Steinsli, Norske Skog

Jörgen Ejlertsson, Process and R&D Director, Scandinavian Biogas Fuels

Henrik Dahlsson, Senior Advisor Sustainable Transport, Scania Sweden


Lunch Break

The LIFE Water Factory project

Frans Visser, Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe

The LIFE Anadry project

Silvia Doñate, DAM Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo

Stakeholder co-operation to boost biogas production – case Pirkabio and ECO3

Irina Simola and Sakari Ermala, Finnish Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment 

Experience from Kalundborg Symbiosis

Per Møller, Kalundborg Symbiosis


Session 2 discussion: What are the challenges for implementing industrial symbiosis?

Per Møller, Kalundborg Symbiosis

Annika Björn, Linköping University

Madeleine Larsson, Linköping University

Fredrik Nilsson, FN Engineering

Magnus Johanson, Fiskeby Board

14:45 – 15:00

Concluding Remarks


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