Effisludge Web Conference - November 12th, 2020

The online conference for EffiSludge and 9th IBBA co-organised workshop addresses Industrial Wastewater Management: Exploring higher energy efficiency, carbon-saving solutions – special focus on pulp and paper residues

The treatment of wastewater for industrial activities, such as pulp and paper production, is often highly energy intensive and alternatives are needed to achieve the reduction targets for fossil CO2-emissions. At the same time, sustainable wastewater management holds the potential for producing renewable fuels, such as biogas.

EffiSludge and IBBA would like to invite you to our one-day web conference, where we will discuss more resource efficient concepts, which combine e.g. industrial wastewater treatment with biogas production. The concepts should improve the carbon footprint of industrial wastewater treatment – through both energy savings and renewable fuel production.

The web conference will present the preliminary findings of the EffiSludge 4 Life Project. The final EffiSludge conference is anticipated to take place in Spring 2021. 

A summary of the main takeaways from the web conference is in the works and will be available on this page within the next few days.

Thursday, November 12th, 2020 – 

Biogas as the hub in industrial symbiosis


Opening remarks and general information regarding the webinar

Francesco Ometto, EffiSludge for Life Project Manager, Sweden

Frank Scholwin, Institute for Biogas, Waste Management and Energy, Germany 

Keynote: Opportunities for the pulp and paper industry to recovery energy from residues: industrial symbiosis with biogas as the hub

Jörgen Ejlertsson , Scandinavian Biogas Fuels, Sweden

How to reduce carbon emission within industrial wastewater treatment

Åsa Sivard and Xu-Bin Truong, AFRY, Finland/Sweden


Panel discussion

Jörgen Ejlertsson, Åsa Sivard, Xu-Bin Truong, Magnus Johansson (Fiskeby Board)


Lunch Break

Session 2 – Wastewater treatment and biogas

Modelling as a tool on the way to industrial symbiosis and circular economy

Magnus Arnell, RISE, Sweden

Cases from the pulp and paper industry 

Brown paper wastewater as a source of biogas – aims, challenges and added value

– Elmar Fischer, Julius Schulte Trebsen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

 Biogas production at Rottneros – why and how?

– Nils Hauri, Rottneros Mill, Sweden


Session 2 discussion


Coffee Break

Session 3 – Carbon-saving projects and industrial symbiosis

Carbon saving potentials from industrial symbiosis implementations

Mats Eklund, Linköping University, Sweden 

Examples from the industry

AMB biowaste treatment: current status and new opportunities

Juan Carlos Fernandez – Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)

News from Canada: how to develop the biogas industry in cooperation with the pulp and paper industry

– Félix Elbert, Bähler Biogas


Session 3 discussion

Wrap up and closing


Closing remarks




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