Stockholm, Sweden, March 15th - 16th, 2018

6th IBBA Workshop on the topic of biogas branding

A documentation of the Stockholm workshop is underway as well as a platform for sharing ideas on communicating biogas.

The advantages speak for themselves – we just have to get people asking…

Are you:

  • into reaching more people with information about biogas?
  • willing to share your ideas on how biogas communication and branding can be improved?
  • seeing yourself/your organisation as a potential part of such communication?

If so, this is your workshop. 

We offer a unique opportunity for you to:

  • become part of a new network of european biogas communicators
  • share skills and develop ideas with Europe’s leading biogas branders during a two-day, result-oriented workshop
  • See and discuss material and campaigns designed to increase biogas knowledge on all levels of organisations
  • See and discuss material and campaigns designed to improve biogas knowledge applicable in any kind of organisation. 

In Holland, more than 12,000 car owners and logistic operators such as Dutch Postal Service (“PostNL”) fuel their vehicles with biogas. Although more expensive than CNG, biogas is considered a fuel of champions with a strong association with being Dutch AND clever. Why? OrangeGas will tell us. 

In Finland, a joint campaign offers every driver of a factory-built or retro-fitted CNG car a fixed monthly rate on biogas regardless of milage. Besides being seen as a “good deal” for car owners, biogas comes through as a domestic product that is reliable and “good for Finland”. Gasum knows why. 

In Stockholm, global construction company SKANSKA, asset managers Öhman and Sweden’s largest cinema operator SF have all turned their head offices into “info-space” for the biogas value chain. Clients, guests and employees alike are met by pieces of biogas information combined with a biogas logo. The logo created in 2015 is used by more than 25 Stockholm businesses. Biogasakademin explains how this happened. 

Seeing the number of female students taking civil ingeneering courses decline, the association Teknikföretagen contacted Swedish communication and PR agency Volontaire.  Analyzing the personal interests of bloggers popular among young women, a communication strategy based on social media was  designed and excecuted. 24 months later, the percentage of female applicants have risen dramatically. Business director Klaus Hahn of Volontaire is with us. 

Organized by the Swedish Kinnevik foundation, the “Reach for Change” program awards four projects annually with focus on improving children’s situation in the world. Winning means 500,000 Euros/year during a three year period. Apart from a good idea, winning projects need to consist of creative and dynamic networks with the ability to turn challenges and obstacles into solutions. Between 2013 and 2016 nine out of twelve “Reach for Change”-awarded projects were coached by Anders Lindgren at Klump incubator in Alby, Stockholm. He will also be at the workshop to guide us.

We think biogas deserves a more efficient communication in Europe, and we want to see lot more clever marketing in the years to come. That is why we have made sure that the people and organisations behind these five sucess stories will all contribute to the IBBA Biogas Branding Workshop in Stockholm, March 15th-16th.


Biogasregister International eV Logo
OG Logo
Ductor Logo


Lindum Logo


Greve Logo

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

Welcome to the 6th Inter Baltic Biogas Arena Workshop

Prof. Frank Scholwin, Institute for Biogas, Waste Management and Energy, Germany and Jan Rapp, MD, Biogasakademin, Sweden

Biogas marketing in Europe

François Troussier, Communications manager at the European Biogas Association

Biogas Branding – Part 1: What brings us here? 

Group Work
Facilitator: Anders Lindgren, Steneby Art School


Lunch Break

Biogas Branding – Part 2: Which strategies can we use?

Group work on specific topics and questions



Biogas Branding – Part 2 (continued): Which strategies can we use? 

Group work on specific topics and questions

16:30 – 17:30

Speed-networking (if desired)

Social program including dinner for all participants

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Biogas Branding – Part 3: What do we need?

Group work



Biogas Branding – Part 3 (continued): What do we need?

Group work


Lunch Break and Sponsor Presentations

Biogas Branding – Part 4: The new network

Group work

Summary and next steps
Final Remarks

Prof. Frank Scholwin and Jan Rapp

